Every family deals with stress at times. It’s just a fact of life. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of too many things going on all at once, and getting more organized or turning down some of those activities can have a big impact. Other times, there are more pressing or serious issues at play that you may have no control over. Whatever is creating stress in your home there are some ways to help lessen its effects on you and your family.
Take Care of Yourself
This may be the most important piece of advice. Try to avoid letting stress affect your physical and emotional wellbeing. Get plenty of rest, talk about things that bother you, eat well, squeeze in some exercise, and do your best to take a few deep breaths and relax for at least a few minutes each day.
Tackle those Tasks
Jump in and attack those tasks, errands, or chores that you dread the most. Just get it over with as soon as possible, because the sense of dread is often worse than the actual job. Once you get the tough stuff handled, the other things will seem like nothing. You’ll breeze through simple tasks and get more done, because you won’t be stressing and expending energy trying to avoid the things you dread doing.
Be Realistic
There are only so many hours in a day. You simply cannot schedule something for every minute and still leave time to enjoy your home, your family, and your life together. If you feel like you never stop running, learn to say “no” more often. Schedule only those things that are truly important or that you and your family are really looking forward to.
*Being able to laugh at yourself can help too. Things happen. I’ve pulled some pretty bad stunts in my life that once would have left me frustrated to the point of tears. I’ve found that if the issue isn’t one of a serious nature, it’s best to do what you can to fix it, have a good laugh, and move on. Something else will come along soon, so save your energy for when you really need it!
Soup’s On! Sit Down Family Meals