Spring is the time of year for change and as you also make a few changes in your home or yard, you might find these tips useful:
Freshen Up
Even if it’s a bit too early to plant flowers outdoors in your neck of the woods, you can still get some started in planters or flower boxes. Place them outside on the deck, porch, or patio during the sunniest parts of the day and bring them inside at night to protect them. This way, you won’t have to wait to enjoy fresh, colorful blooms. When the weather breaks, transplant outdoors in the desired location.
Got Paint?
If you’re organizing your garage or shed, you may come across some old cans of paint. Note that these cannot simply be thrown away and that most areas have special instructions for disposable of such items. If the paint is still good, you have another option. You can donate it. See if a local charity, civic center, or program for kids that may be able to use it. Another option is to use it up and paint some of those outdoor items that could use a little weatherizing.
Safety First
This is a good time to practice family safety drills. Depending on the area in which you live, there may be a number of potential threats, such as tornadoes, flooding or other types of severe weather, wild fires, or various other acts of nature. Whatever the case may be, it’s a good idea to have safety measures in place. House fires are another good reason to have drills. If you don’t already have any in place, now is a good time to develop safety plans and practice them. If you do have safety plans, now is a good time for some practice runs. One of the most important things to keep in mind for any safety plan, is establishing a meeting place where every member of the family should go so you can make sure everyone is accounted for.
*Check back for more tips!