One of the great things about starting your own business is that you get to determine your niche within whatever category your business fits into. If you are thinking about starting a baking business, why not take a look at whether you could build your business around pies. Sure, cupcakes may be a hot item right now, but in many markets there is a lot of competition. Baking pies just might be a niche where you can get noticed.
A good pie crust recipe is as essential as a good business plan if you are thinking of going into the pie baking business. Also, you will want to create a strategy for keeping up with the demand for your products during the holiday season. Pies are an essential part of both Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, and many people simply do not have the time to make the home made pies that they would like to serve to their families.
While pies are great for people who are hosting holiday dinners or planning other group gatherings, they are also something that sells well at farmers’ markets. I have two friends who have sold pies at farmers’ markets and they said that people loved to buy them. Pies are also somewhat of a trendy item for wedding desserts, with some couples eschewing the traditional tiered cake for a delicious pie buffet.
As with any other home – baking business, the very first thing that you will want to find out are the local rues and regulations regarding home bakeries. Once you have that information, you will know whether it is even possible to take the next steps towards developing your very own home – based pie baking business. Remember to be thorough in your research and planning so that you can make a realistic assessment of whether this is the right home based business for you.
Photo by alcinoe on