Home – based work carries with it all kinds of potential for a much more flexible lifestyle than working at a traditional job can offer. Often, home – based professionals are in control of the role that work plays in their lives, especially the amount of hours that they spend working and when those hours take place. If one or more of the people in a household are free to make choices about when and how much to work, the entire family can benefit.
Home – based work can enable adults to pursue educational opportunities that they may not be able to pursue while holding down a traditional job. If someone wants to pursue a college education or advanced degree either at a campus or online, that person could work from home part of the time as their course load permits. The schedules of many home – based businesses or jobs can be adjusted whenever necessary, so if the course load is heavier one semester and lighter the next, the student can work more or less to meet their needs.
Homeschooling also blends well with home – based work, and it provides parents with the ability to provide an educational opportunity for their children which is different from the other traditional educational options in their local area. Home based work can enable one or both parents to homeschool their children while earning income. Also, home – based professional parents serve as role models who can expose their children to a way of life where work and family life support each other in a complementary way instead of competing with each other.
Families who love to explore the world could incorporate home – based work into the globetrotting lifestyle that they have always wanted to have. I have not actually tried to do this, but it seems like a lot of fun. I might start small with something like a cross – country family road trip, and hopefully move onto world travel as time and money permit.
Photo by dancesincreek on morguefile.com.