What is a life coach?
A life coach is a person who basically helps a person identify challenges and form solutions to get his life on the track he intends. A life coach is not a therapist by education or function. The relationship between a life coach and client is more balanced and more mentoring as opposed to healing and of course there is no administering of medication.
Areas life coaches address:
Relationships and Intimacy
Stress Management and Balance
Spirituality and Personal Growth
Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development
Career Planning and Development
Motivation and Time Management
Creativity for Artists, Writers, Musicians and Performers
Finances and Budgeting
Health, Aging, Lifestyle and Self-Care
Family and Parenting
How do you become a life coach?
You can hang a shingle out side your door but don’t expect to make more then a nickel like Lucy from the Peanuts Gang. Most life coaches have education and training to become certified. You can get certification from numerous places online. The process is not long nor does it require previous education. However, to be sure, on all points contact the school you are interested in attending. You can attend seminars to get and overview of the programs and career choice before signing up for a class.
What do you get paid? Is there opportunity?
The salary range varies based on location, demand, and how and who you work for. You can work for a company and still have the freedoms of working at home. You can work freelance for several companies which would be the most profitable. Some life coaches make $30,000 a year and some after years of experience make $80,000. As you can see, the varying range does not make it easy to predict what you will make. There is opportunity working freelance for companies, colleges, and right out of the home or doing all three. The first step is deciding where you will focus in your life coaching. That will lead you down the path of opportunity. You may want to focus on relationships or on career and business pursuits. Focus on what comes natural and you may have an exciting career ahead of you.