In a previous blog I wrote about my tour of our local Builders Association’s Parade of Homes. I walked away with a several decorating ideas—some that I would seriously consider applying to my own home—others, well; let’s just say I would have a hard time duplicating.
The following are some trends and ideas I learned and thought I would pass along to you. If you decide to apply any to your own home, please feel free to let me know how it turned out.
In my last blog I wrote that the Home Builders Association’s spokesperson I spoke to insisted that pink and turquoise were the “hot” colors in home décor this season. (I found it hard to believe, but I’m no expert.) According to experts, the other “hot” new colors homeowners “must have,” include “Cheeky,” a mix of pink and peach; “Iron Ore-ange,” an influence of copper on orange; “Exploring Khaki,” which recalls rain forest moss and buried treasure; and “Soda Green.”
If none of those colors interest you and you continue to struggle with what shade to go with, experts suggest going to a fabric store and picking out fabric with colors you like and then carrying it with you when you shop. However, before re-doing your walls with a new color, experts suggest buying a pint of paint and brushing two coats on a small section of the wall. That way you can buy more if you like the color, or just paint over it if you don’t.
Faux paint techniques were also a reoccurring theme in the new homes we toured. Some homes had walls that were ragged, sponged, and marbleized. A number of bedroom walls were stenciled, which gave them an expensive look (though stenciling doesn’t require a lot of money… just a bit of time).
Another option: wallpaper. It costs more than paint, but it’s generally inexpensive if it is used as a border in combination with paint. I also like the fact that borders be changed with little effort.
Not interested in paint or wallpaper? Consider putting up synthetic molding, which can cost less than wood molding. Embossed wall covering is another option that can be painted to look like an expensive tin ceiling. If you don’t have the time or money to undertake either of those projects–get creative. Inexpensive wall accessories can be just a room away. Look at what you already have in your cupboard and closets. Decorative plates and family pictures can add a lot of flavor to a wall. Another great decorating technique that stuck with me was used in one of the model homes’ powder room. Someone had taken an old window and put mirrors in them. Other decorating ideas I made personal notes of included, making a collage of small inexpensive framed prints or hanging a quilt or old shutters above the head of a bed that doesn’t have a headboard.
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Decorating Tips From Our Parade Of Homes Tour