As I sit here in my little office in Pennsylvania, I can see the snow falling yet again. It has been snowing on and off for the past few days. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes it doesn’t. One thing that is consistent about the weather is that it has been cold. Brrrrrr.
We are all walking around the house with double socks and pullover or zip-up jackets. The furnace seems to be constantly running, and I have been keeping the little ones in their footie pajamas.
One of the benefits of the snow, believe it or not is an improved heating cost. You can actually lower the amount you spend to heat your home with the help of snow. Sounds a little weird, I know, but hear me out and keep reading.
A layer of snow on your roof can actually help you determine what areas of your house need attention in terms of retaining heat. Are their drafts and cracks in your home letting all of that precious heat escape? Could you use more insulation in your attic? Use the snow to find out.
The next time you have some snow that sticks, go out and take a look at your roof. Start looking at one end of the house and continue around to all sides. Try to take as careful a look as you can from the ground. Are there areas of the roof where the snow has melted more quickly? If there are, chances are that your heat is escaping from your house in those spots. If it is freezing temperatures outside, that snow should still be there.
Once you have located likely spots of heat loss in your home, you can fix the leaks and add the necessary insulation. Don’t assume that a newer home is free of excessive heat loss. Unfortunately, there are some builders skimp on insulation to cut their construction costs.
Is your roof the only one on the block that still has snow? Congratulations! You have an heating efficient house.
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