Home teaching is an important program in the church. It serves many purposes. One of the most important things it does is provide a support system to the families in the ward. If there is a single mother or an older widow, the home teachers may be needed to help with more tasks. It is important that everyone works together to support and bolster the home teaching program. Here are some duties that will extend beyond visiting and teaching the lessons each month.
Home teachers should be available to assist in priesthood blessings when needed. This should be the first place you turn to when you need assistance. This may mean making a few late calls or causing other problems, but it is an important service. This is an opportunity to truly exercise your priesthood duties.
Another area to help out is when the person you home teach is moving. Many men are reluctant to show up and help, but when you home teach someone you really should spend the time helping. It can make things go much more quickly. Carefully packing and loading the truck will bless the family and make the transition easier on them.
You may also be called on to give advice on a variety of things. If you are good at gardening you may give tips on this or you may advise someone how to repair something in the house. Other times you may just need to weigh in with a particular opinion. You should carefully consider any answer and respond in a way that is pleasing to the Lord.
Finally you need to report any areas that the family may need help with. This truly involves building a relationship of trust with your family, because many families don’t open up with someone right away. You can build this relationship of trust by consistently visiting and teaching your families.
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Home Teaching