Well, once again the Home Blog started and ended the week on similar topics. Three Tips for Staging your Home offered some tips for preparing a home for sale and linked to other articles on staging tricks and techniques. Rounding out the week was “Can You Flip a House?” an article that discussed purchasing property to renovate for re-sale. Rehabbing used to be a popular term for this process but “flipping” seems to be the common description today for buying, fixing, and selling quickly to maximize profit. Staging is a good idea when flipping a home too.
Moving on to cleaning rather than selling a home, the article titled Tips for Last Minute, Quick Cleaning focused on getting ready for company or giving the home a quick once over until you have more time for thorough cleaning. Straightening up can help bigtime even if you don’t have time for your usual cleaning routine. It gives the home a much neater appearance until deep cleaning can be done.
After cleaning, a little discussion on decorating took place with a look at Home Color Trends for Fall 2007. There are some great colors popping up that can easily be incorporated into existing design plans if you aren’t ready to redecorate.
While it is still summer vacation in many areas, it won’t be for long, as noted in School Starts When??? This article talked about getting organized before the first day of school. Going back to school can be hectic for parents and kids alike if we aren’t prepared. That goes for college kids and their parents too, so check out the Dorm Room Checklist. It might inspire some ideas, and hopefully, Dorm Room Decorating will as well.
That’s all for this week. I hope you’ll check back often for more tips and ideas. Thank you for reading.