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Home Week in Review: October 13th Through October 19th

Have your gone out and jumped in some leaves yet? In my household, I do most of the raking and very little of the jumping, but it is all worth it. Take a look at last week’s posts here in the home blog.

October 13th

Kitchen Design Styles

When looking at a kitchen renovation or remodel, the choices are endless. From countertops to flooring to appliances to walls to back splashes, tile, wood, paint, stainless steel, ack. You get the picture. Each little bit that goes into the kitchen has its own set of choices, and then you have to make sure that all of these choices can work together.

Going Green on Halloween

Did you know that you can go green for Halloween? No, I’m not talking about dressing your kids up as compost, but by making more environmentally conscious decision around your home and for your family this Halloween.

October 14th

Home Week in Review: October 6th Through October 12th

How has your weather been? Here we are having nice warm weather after a week of colder temperatures. Still, no matter how nice it is outside, I am reminded that winter is not far away. It is time to start thinking about fall maintenance and preparing for winter. Check back daily to learn more about this as well as read about other topics related to your home.

October 15th

How Do You Sort Laundry?

All across the land, people are hiding a dirt little secret…their laundry. One thing I have discovered lately, is that people are reluctant to talk about how they do their laundry, when and how often they do their laundry and how they sort it all. Why is this? Keep reading and then share your thoughts.

October 16th

Halloween Party Themes

It’s not too late to put on a spectacular Halloween party at home. Invite your neighbors to come over after trick or treating, or plan the party for the day after Halloween and get a little more use out of those costumes.

October 17th

How to Find New Inexpensive Furniture

With the economy in crisis, and everyone struggling to pay for the basics of daily life, such as food, gas and housing, it is hard to justify spending money on furniture. But, whether you are just starting out or are more established, you may find yourself needing to furnish a room or replace furniture items that no longer function in your home.

October 18th

Splitting Firewood

Brr, the temperatures today dropped from the comfortable 70s to 45 degrees this morning. it should warm up to the 60s, as the sun comes out, but there is no doubt that fall is really here. I heard rumors that it will soon drop down to 30 overnight.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com