Making your own baby food can save you money and ensure you of what your baby is eating. You will have more control over what your baby eats and more flexibility by using items in your home or what you are having for dinner. Of course what you feed your baby will depend on the baby’s age.
The first step in making your own baby food is having the right equipment. You will need a tool or gadget to puree the food. There are many ways to mash those bananas so here is a list of your different options.
Your handy kitchen fork: If you are mashing sweet potatoes or bananas all you will need is a fork. So in a pinch even if you are not a baby food chef you can mash up some bananas, avocados, or potatoes with a fork easily and fast. Always keep in mind how advanced and eater your baby is before giving her chunks or pieces that are not perfectly pureed.
A kitchen blender or food processor. Since you most likely have some sort of kitchen blender this is an ideal way to start. Keep in mind that kitchen blenders and food processors work best when making large amounts of food. You will want to be prepared to store leftovers.
An all-in-one baby-food maker: There are a few on the market and they are handy little devices that take you from carrot to baby food in a flash. The device will steam and puree the food item for you. It is a very convenient way to make baby food. However, the devices are normally expensive and take up counter space so be sure you plan on using it to make it worth the money.
A baby food grinder: You can find inexpensive baby food grinders in the baby aisle at your grocery store or baby needs stores. You can find non-electric or electric. The portable ones are nice for travel and eating at restaurants.
Other supplies:
You will want to have freezer safe storage containers for extra food. Ice cube trays are the perfect baby portion size.