One of the best reasons to decorate or design your home is to make it more livable for you and your family or your friends. Oh, there are other reasons to decorate and design a space, for example to show off your creativity, aesthetic and so on. But for most families, home is a place to live, not a showcase, and as such, designing it to bring people closer is a great goal.
I first saw the idea of designing a home to bring people closer as a recommendation for organization and de-cluttering. The thought was that if something didn’t bring your family closer, than it would probably need to go.
I’d like to take this one step further. Rather than simply getting rid of stuff, why not be purposeful in all aspects in the design of your home. For example, if there is a television in every room, this might encourage family members to spend mindless time apart. A kitchen that is well designed can encourage participation in cooking the evening meal together. Soothing colors in the bedrooms can encourage restful sleep and make everyone less cranky and more loving.
Take a look also at the placement of furniture in your home. Is it simply lined up as though everyone were in a firing squad, or can seating be arranged to encourage conversation? A homework station near the kitchen may allow the kids to be close to parents preparing meals, a comfortable area with a lamp in a playroom can allow parents to sit and read while the kids play.
Now, let us get back to clutter. There is a point there. Too much clutter can take people away from each other. So can aspects of your home that require a lot of upkeep. While that light colored carpet may be gorgeous, does it take all of your time to keep it sparkling? Do all of the knick-knacks need to be dusted or the hundreds of toys pick up every evening?
Three Furniture Placement Styles