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Homeschool Changes for New Year

Coming off of Christmas break and entering into a New Year means a new semester for many homeschoolers. Even if you are not entering a new term or semester the mindset remains that a New Year brings about new beginnings. The excitement to ring in a New Year is often a catalyst for reviewing and refining our school schedules.. So how do we know when it’s time for a schedule change?

Change if….

*your homeschool feels stagnant.

*your curriculum is not working out for your family.

*your schedule is causing too much stress for you or your children.

*you have a child who is struggling.

*you have a child who is advancing faster than his curriculum will allow.

*your homeschool is not defined by love, laughter, and then learning.

*your homeschool is putting strain on your marriage.

*you do not have time to snuggle and play with your children.

*your children do not have time to play and think freely throughout the day.

*you are controlled by your schedule instead of controlling your schedule.

Essentials to add in to your homeschool…

*Morning devotions

*A teacher that walks with the Lord.

*Read aloud books

*Play time

*Tea time: a small break you take together and discuss the day, goals, or just sit and laugh

*House Rules

*A family cause: such as helping the homeless, joining a ministry at your church, sponsoring a child

*Chores for everyone so all feel a part of the family and an important part of running the home.

*Life skills

*Character training

It is your homeschool. The students are in your charge to direct, guide and cherish. All families are different and have different needs. Do not model your schedule after another homeschool family. You are not another homeschool family. Pray about how God wants your day structured. Seek wise counsel from experienced homeschool moms always remembering not to be afraid to modify to suit your family.