I received some email questions this past weekend from a student who is researching homeschooling. This student had some very good and informed questions, and so I thought I would present some of his questions here, with my answers. The first questions involve my decision to homeschool. The next question set of questions involve criticism and support.
What kinds/types of criticism have your family had because of homeschooling?
I cannot say that my family and I have had direct, in your face, criticism because of our homeschooling. There are however, always the annoying “questions” that are definitely critical of homeschooling.
In the beginning, I noticed a deluge of questions about the children’s education with people saying, “How is schooling going”, from people who were never concerned when they were in public school. Never before had I heard so much concern in the voices of friends and family when inquiring about the children. After a year or two, the question turned to “When are you putting the kids back in school?” “Do they have friends?” is also the topic of many a conversation. The worst-case scenario was a beloved relative who stated, “That homeschooling mess has got to be eliminated.” While I may get my feelings hurt from time to time by such a lack of support, I cannot say, I have been directly criticized or ostracized.
What support have you received?
Support of our homeschooling has primarily come from other homeschooling families, especially in the beginning. In recent years, however, I have been getting a lot of “you are doing a good job”, from many of the same people who were wary in the past. I have even received the compliment of people confessing to me that they were interested in homeschooling, and even people coming to me for advice on how to do it themselves. My family has been called “inspiring”. Who could ask for more support than that?
Read: Why I homeschool: An Answer for Kaye
“Why I Homeschool My Son with Asperger’s Syndrome.” One Mother’s Story
Mother Knows Best: Why I Homeschool, Part One and Part Two
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!
* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?