Saxon Publishers creates learning materials that teach math and reading skills. The programs include daily practice, and dialogue. Saxon Math is a leading math program in private schools and homeschools. It is known to help students retain learned skill because is constantly reviews older skills. Saxon math is For Kindergarten through 12 grade levels. Saxon reading focuses on phonics and spelling skills for grades K-3 and reading and phonics intervention for older struggling students.
School House Rock was originally created as cartoon breaks for Saturday morning cartoons in the 1970’s. It quickly became a recognized way to teach children important facts for long time retention. Schoolhouse rock has compilations of videos that each American History, grammar, multiplication, science and more. If you are looking for car schooling materials, this is an excellent curriculum to purchase for your cars DVD players. The DVD’s also have tests at the end of the series.
Science made Simple is a website that provides science projects for kids. These projects are recommended for science fairs and lab experimentation. You can also purchase kits, toys, activities, and magazines.
Science roots (previously called living roots) is a book that teaches biology terms through Latin and Greek vocabulary instruction. It is an accompanying book to Exploring Creation with Biology by Apologia.
Scrambled States of America is a 2-4 player game that passively teaches the Geography of American in a game that required observation and quick reflexes.
Senior High Formula is a guide for homeschooling highschoolers. It is meant to take the fear and intimidation out of highschool homeschooling as well as how to keep homeschooling enjoyable during the rigorous high school years.
Seton Home Study is a Catholic homeschool program. Using this flexible, accredited curriculum, students have the option of sending in tests and assignments for grading, or having parents monitor the program.
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*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!
*Homeschool Curriculum Glossary index here