La Clase Divertida is a video/ audio tape Spanish “class”. Hosted by Senor Gamanche, it is said to be “somewhat less than professional”, but fun and enthusiastic.
Landmark Complete Curriculum (Also known as Landmark’s Freedom Baptist Curriculum) is a conservative K-12 curriculum. The curriculum uses a back to basics approach for language arts, with bible based science, and history. The lower elementary years are described as “highly academic”.
Language mechanic, a critical thinking language arts program “uses fun examples and logical reasoning to eliminate the confusion children often feel while learning the rules of language mechanics.” It is an excellent book for standardized testing preparation.
Latin in the Christian Trivium is a “comprehensive Biblically-based Latin text. It currently has tree volumes with the fourth in development. It is recommended for children grade six and up. It is comprised of a flashcard and notebook system.
Latin Primer is a Latin textbook/ workbook for third graders and up. The focus of this program is Latin vocabulary, case endings, and chants.
Latin Road to English Grammar is a complete Latin curriculum designed to be easy enough for parents who know no Latin to teach. According to, “This curriculum is so complete that you can learn and teach Latin at the same time ¬ you learn along with your students. All the materials you need are included for easy learning and teaching: textbook, worksheets, tests, vocabulary cards, answer keys, lesson plans, verb charts, and audio CD’s for pronunciation and teacher training videos available in DVD and VHS formats”
Latina Christiana I & II is a Latin Program designed as a “beginning course for students of all ages.” This program was written for parents with no Latin background and is said to provide amazing results, with claims of helping students get perfect SAT scores. When the program is completed, the polisher will send the student a CLSA (Christian Latin Society of America) certificate. This is a great addition to the college portfolio.
Leap Frog is series of games and programs designed to help children learn while playing. There are many choices available for all ages. You can purchase from an assortment of LeapPad learning systems, Leapster game systems, Explorer globes, IQuest, or FLY programs.
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*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!
*Homeschool Curriculum Glossary index here