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Homeschool Groups and Resources in Iowa I-Z

Involvement with other homeschoolers is very important to a family’s success in homeschooling. Joining a homeschool network or support group in your area will make a difference in your homeschooling journey. You can find homeschooling groups as well as many homeschooling classes, and programs that your students can enjoy. In this series, we are covering homeschool groups and resources across the country. This installment will cover Iowa homeschool groups and resources I-Z. You can read installmentsA-H here.

Ia Home Educators is a Des Moines based fully inclusive, non-affiliated, member-led support group. Everyone is welcomed, regardless of religion, homeschooling methodology, family status or anything else.

Iowa City Secular Homeschool Group is a secular homeschool association that welcomes all Iowa City and surrounding area families who are interested in creating a community with homeschooling families of all backgrounds and lifestyles.

Iowans Caring about Homeschooling Internet Support This list is happy to have Christians of all denominations, and anyone wanting to learn more about homeschooling in IA.

IDEA-Iowans Dedicated to Educational Alternatives IDEA is a non-profit, non-sectarian organization dedicated to providing information, support and encouragement to pursue life-long learning outside the school environment.

Iowa Unschoolers is a yahoo discussion list as well as support network for new and experienced unschooling families who live in or near Iowa.

Iowans Dedicated to Educational Alternatives IDEA is an unschooling homeschool group that supports families in Iowa and surrounding areas. The families in this support group come from many different religions, ethnic backgrounds and walks of life.

Marion Home School Assistance Program Boasts 330 families and 700 students in Kinbdergarten through 12th grade. The MHSAP’s Mission is to support and assist parents in their chosen role as the primary educators of their children.

Network of Iowa Christian Home Educators The purpose of the NICHE is to provide support and information to homeschooling families in the state of Iowa.

Metro Home Educators offers field trips throughout the year, a 4-H club, moms support groups, and outings to plays and the Kaleidoscope series performances at the GBPAC. They also offer co-op courses.

Quad City Area Secular Homeschoolers is primarily geared toward families who are homeschooling for reasons other than religion and who are looking for an alternative to religious homeschool groups.

SHEEPS is an Iowa homeschool support group whose purpose as a Christian home education network is to affirm and encourage families in the Eastern Des Moines community and surrounding areas.

To Encourage and Educate our Children at Home TEECH is centered around Louisa County along the Mississippi River and is a non-denominational Christian group.

~If you liked this you should also read my blogs at the home blog, the parents blog, and the frugal blog. You can read my recent posts here.

Also read:

Homeschooling in Iowa

District Puts Breaks on Diplomas for Homeschoolers

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?