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Homeschool Groups and Resources in Louisiana and Maine

Involvement with other homeschoolers is very important to a family’s success in homeschooling. Joining a homeschool network or support group in your area will make a difference in your homeschooling journey. You can find homeschooling groups as well as many homeschooling classes, and programs that your students can enjoy. In this series, I am covering homeschool groups and resources across the country. This installment will cover Louisiana and Maine.


Alliance of Baton Rouge Area Homeschool (ABRAH) Homeschool Support Group.

Baton Rouge Homeschool Association Inclusive homeschool group

CAFFE Homeschool Co-op

CenLa Christian Home School Association (CCHSA) Support group for Christian Homeschool families in Alexandria, Pineville, and surrounding areas

Christian Family Educators Christian homeschool families in Shreveport and Bossier City areas.

East Bank Homeschoolers

KEY Homeschool Association
Inclusive homeschool group

NOLA Learning Odyssey Homeschool classes in Greater New Orleans

Northshore Home Educators Association Homeschool support and Co-op

Openminded Homeschoolers Secular homeschool support in Avoyelled Parish

Roman Catholic Homeschool Association of Louisiana (RCHAL)

St. Tammany Parish Homeschoolers Inclusive group providing support and encouragement for Louisiana homeschooling families in the Greater St. Tammany Parish area, Tangipahoa, Washington, Orleans parishes, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast region.

Slidell Christian Home Educators Fellowship (SCHEF) Homeschool support in Slidell, southeast Louisiana, and Southern Mississippi

Southwest Louisiana Christian Home Educators Fellowship Open minded families in Southwest Louisiana

Urban New Orleans Unschooling Association Homeschool support in the city of New Orleans

Westbank Homeschool Organization (WHO), Inc providing service and support to home educators.

Also read: Homeschooling Laws in Louisiana


Homeschoolers of Maine ministry supports the family by monitoring legislation, holding an annual convention, providing workshops throughout the year, publishing our newsletter The Heart of HOME, providing free counseling to new and established homeschoolers

Learning All the Time Diverse support group in southern Maine

Maine Department of Education Home Instruction page Homeschool instructions and support through the public school system.

Maine Homeschooling Yahoo Group Statewide email discussion group

Maine Homeschooling Swap Group to sell and buy new and used homeschool groups.

Outschoolers Home Schooling Network based in Lyman and Westbrook

The P.A.T.H. Homeschool group in Aroostook County

PVHA-4H Penobscot Valley Homeschool Adventurers 4-H club.

Seacoast Unschooling Network

Waterboro Public Library

Also read:

Homeschooling in Maine: Option 1

Homeschooling in Maine: Option 2

~If you liked this you should also read my blogs at the home blog, the parents blog, and the frugal blog. You can read my recent posts here.

Also read:

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?