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Homeschoolers in Need of Daycare?

Recently I became aware of an article about homeschoolers needing caregivers during the day. Why would homeschoolers need such a service? Homeschooling is on the rise and often two working parents are inclined to choose this method as well. Since homeschooling and work are activities normally done during daylight hours, homeschooled children often need to be cared for while the parents work. The concept of two working parents and homeschooled children sound illogical to many. How is it possible to work full time and homeschool children? Is it a healthy environment for children to be homeschooled if they have two working parents? What role would the caregiver take? What about single parents who desire to homeschool?

Who would need a caregiver for homeschooled children?

Single Parents

Work at Home Parents

Part Time Working Parents

Full Time Working Parents

A homeschool family whose primary homeschool parent has passed away.

Is it possible to work and homeschool your children?

In my years of homeschooling I have seen many families work and homeschool successfully. Many of these families have hired a caregiver who makes sure the children are completing their work during the day and present for questions or help. Many parents work opposite shifts to accommodate the homeschool situation without the need for a caregiver. Others allow the children to do independent work during the day and teach lessons when the work day is over. With homeschooling, school can be scheduled anytime of the day or weekends. Working outside the home should not be contrary to homeschooling. If you are creative with your time and determined you can achieve working and homeschooling.

Is it a healthy environment for the children?
In my opinion, having an older child who is homeschooled also be responsible for younger children and homeschooled siblings can result in disaster. The older child may not benefit from homeschooling and may act more as a nanny than a sibling or student. Of course, if the older homeschool child is only taking on the role for brief periods of time then I see no issue. If you have children home for a full work day, 6-8 hours, then having a caregiver would provide a safe and healthy environment. A caregiver would still have the ability to help with school, drive children to activities and sports, or take the children on field trips during the day. If you have the right caregiver and the right work schedule this can be a positive experience for you and your children.

What is the role of the caregiver?

The role of a caregiver would be determined by the parent. The caregiver could be completely hands off and only provide a safe environment. The caregiver could act as a substitute teacher and provide backup teaching support for the parent following the lesson plan and answering questions. A caregiver could take a more hands on approach and present lessons, present arts and crafts, take the children on field trips, drive children to events and activities and more. A hands on caregiver is not taking the role of the parent but providing a proper atmosphere in the parent’s absence. The parent would still retain full control over the curriculum and planning of the day. The caregiver would basically be the parent’s right hand man. A single parent who would most likely work full time would benefit greatly from this arrangement. A work at home parent could use the backup support of a caregiver who acts as a substitute teacher during office hours.

I see no conflict in having a caregiver aid a parent who chooses to homeschool. The arrangement if done properly would be a great benefit to all involved. Of course any situation could go in a negative direction but with careful planning and determination a working parent can make homeschooling work for his or her family. In a world where one income families are growing rare and the desire for homeschooling is growing rapidly this may be the answer many have been seeking.