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Homeschoolers Prevail in the Subway Debacle

If you are a homeschooler, you are very likely aware of the Subway essay writing contest that snubbed homeschoolers this summer. I first wrote about it in May soon after the contest was released.

The point of the contest is for children to write an essay related to topics the sandwich store has put forth and to possibly win gym equipment, a gift basket, and a Subway Card. When the contest was released, “No Homeschoolers Allowed” was posted prominently on the flyers and websites.

If the purpose of the contest was to write essays, Subway soon found out what great essay writers homeschoolers were. Parents wrote essays, children wrote essays, even Lawyers wrote essays. These essays berated the company for the faux pas of leaving homeschoolers out of the competition and let them know that they had lost a bit of customer loyalty in the process. The end result of course is that after a couple of promises to include homeschoolers in the future, the sandwich company finally acquiesced and has revamped the contest to include homeschoolers.

Therefore, homeschoolers may now compete in the Subway essay-writing program and are eligible for the same prizes that any other child will get. The gym equipment portion of the prize that is meant for the student’s school will probably need to be donated to a school or other educational organization of the winner’s choice should a homeschooler win the prize.

Will a homeschooler win the prize? Who knows? If you are interested in taking part of this offer, you have until August 21 to submit your essay. This is about 7 weeks away. Of course, everyone else had 4 months to prepare his or her essays.

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* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?