As I walked through the mall today I noticed several things. The first thing I noticed was that there were numerous school age kids in the mall with their parents. I realized they were homeschoolers, not because of dress, not because of mannerisms, but because of the way they took their time shopping and enjoying the after Christmas clearance sales. They weren’t hurried, or frazzled as shoppers have inhabited the mall for the last month or so. They were just intently examining clothing and other items and making purchasing decisions. (Experienced homeschoolers know the best time to shop is after everyone goes back to work and school from the holidays. You won’t have the best selection, but the best prices.) Yes, it appears that homeschoolers have taken back the mall.
As I struggled through the mall with four heavy bags of wooden hangers (enough to fill my walk-in closet) from a store that was closing, I noticed a little boy. We was about 3 ½ years old, and his parents were following about 10 feet behind him. I had to smile watching him and his parents in the mall. He hopped, she skipped, he jumped, and he ran. If made an audible giggle when I saw him click his heels to the side as he jumped along. If I had to guess at his mood, I would say, this child was experiencing joy. His parents were probably very content as well, as they walked behind him watching intently. I hope that kid never loses that joy.
Watching this child led my mind back to homeschooling. I reminded me that the reason I homeschool my kids is so that they can freely experience joy. It’s not that I don’t think that kids at school can experience joy, it’s just that homeschooled kids have more time for more spontaneous moments. This strengthened my resolve to give my kids a little more free time in these latter homeschool years so that they can continue to grow in freedom.
Speaking of the mall, it is a great place for homeschoolers to meet up. On weekdays when other kids are at school, we like to meet with other homeschool friends, enjoy having the movie theater to ourselves, enjoy a leisurely lunch, and do a little shopping, or just get some exercise walking around. In the winter, it is also a great substitute for park day play dates.
What do Children Need More: Structure or Freedom?
Is your homeschoolers plate too full?
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