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Homeschooling Blog Week in Review: September 23 to September 30

Welcome to the home school blog’s week in review. If you have some reading to catch up on, here’s the place to start. As always, we welcome comments and suggestions if you have any ideas of things you’d like us to cover.

Links to the ‘Resource of the Day’ Blog (I know no one wants to miss these!)









September 23 Activites and Resources to Study Johnny Appleseed

This is the perfect season for apple picking and with that an interesting historical unit on the American pioneer, Johnny Appleseed. John Chapman, who was known as being a friend to all, pioneered his way half way across the United States (before they were the United States) planting apple orchards. Use this article as a resource for your studies.

September 25 I Just Threw Away $200

I share this story with you so that you can learn from my mistakes. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on curriculum. Not only that but it pays to research your curriculum thoroughly before buying!

September 26 I Don’t Do Anything with My Preschooler and I’m Proud of It

In the education world, there is a huge push towards early childhood education. But is it really necessary? I propose that little kids don’t need ‘structured’ learning with set learning objectives. Kids this age learn through play and that’s why I won’t do structured learning with my preschoolers.

Just Do It!

There are some things in life where you have to ‘grab the bull by the horns’ and just go for it. Read Chele’s blog on how home schooling is one of those things and get inspiration to just jump in and start!

September 28 I Want to Homeschool But My Husband Is Against It

What do you do when you realize that your child is not thriving as he should be, in a traditional school environment? Many parents begin to contemplate pulling their children out of school to start their home schooling adventure. But what happens if your spouse is completely against the idea? This is a two part blog.

Why Homeschool: Personalization

One of the many benefits of home schooling is that it allows you to personalize everything to your child. Your teaching style, the teaching methods used, the schedule. . .everything can be tailored to meet your child’s needs.

September 29 Practical Strategies for Convincing Your Husband

I mentioned in the first blog in this topic that it is really important that both spouses support the decision to home school. With that said, as a home schooling support group leader, I’ve had opportunity to help and encourage numerous moms on how to get dad to (as one friend put it) see the light. Here are a few practical suggestions on how to convince your husband that home schooling can be a wonderful experience.