I posted a blog the other day about why people choose to homeschool. Is there something wrong with the public school their child would attend? Are they fearful for their child’s safety? Are the teacher’s not trained well enough for the homeschool parents’ liking? I am so happy to say that I received a great response from another blogger, Valerie, who blogs for the topic of homeschooling. Please check out her blog to see what she wrote as to why she homeschools.
I must say, I am impressed with Valerie and the reasons why she chooses to homeschool. I believe that if every homeschool parent chose to homeschool for the reasons Valerie does and was as involved in the homeschooling experience with their children as Valerie is, homeschooling would be extremely beneficial to every child involved.
Here is where my public school teacher worries come in. What happens to the child who is homeschooled and has a parent with little vested interest in actually following through with the schooling? I ask because, I have seen this happen quite often. Case in point, my next-door neighbor. She homeschools her only child, and to be honest I can see very little about the entire homeschooling situation that is beneficial for this child. Socially, this child does not act like he should at his age, and academically I am a bit worried also.
He is twice as old as my four year old, but still whines and acts like my son does. He rushes over to play with my children, even during the school year, no matter what time of day. I am outside with my boys (ages four and two) playing each morning, and out comes our neighbor boy. No parent in sight, and nothing educational being learned. Perhaps it was recess for him? I am concerned for this child who couldn’t count backwards from ten when I asked him, telling me it was too hard. Was he playing me? Gosh, I certainly hope so. I have the belief that he should be getting so much one-on-one attention in his homeschooling that he should know basic counting. The teacher in me is filled with worry. The child seems awkward in social situations, even interacting with my young children.
This child is the same child who didn’t know what a baseball was, what a baseball glove was, and what the game of baseball was even called. He had no idea how to throw a ball, until my husband taught him. This child was the child that asked his parents to come outside and play with us, but had his parents turn him down because they were watching television. This child is homeschooled, and I am worried for him.
My question is this, and hopefully Valerie can put her perspective on this, what happens when a child is homeschooled but it seems he is falling behind academically and socially? Who is accountable for this child? I believe his parents love him very much, but I have to question this whole homeschooling situation for him.
So, what happens when a person who doesn’t homeschool sees a homeschooling situation that perhaps isn’t the best for that child? What then? Does my neighbor have a curriculum she must follow? Does the school district actually check up on the child (I honestly can’t remember from when I was teaching)? Is the parent accountable to anyone? I would love to know the answers to these questions, because quite frankly, I am concerned.