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Homeschooling Groups and Resources in Kentucky M-Z

Involvement with other homeschoolers is very important to a family’s success in homeschooling. Joining a homeschool network or support group in your area will make a difference in your homeschooling journey. You can find homeschooling groups as well as many homeschooling classes, and programs that your students can enjoy. In this series, we are covering homeschool groups and resources across the country. This installment will cover Kentucky homeschool groups and resources M-Z.

MacPherson Academy This is a homeschool program where students meet with teachers one day a week and homeschool the other 4 days, except for math and advanced science which meets 2 days a week. Full curricula for grades 6-12. Record keeping and transcripts for full-time students. Diplomas, graduation, prom, Chapter of The National Beta Club, student council. Educational field trips throughout the year.

Madison County Christian Co-op Is a place for those who are home schooling in Richmond and elsewhere in Madison County to post information on get togethers, co-ops, curriculum sales, field trips, special home school sports leagues, fun or educational local oppurtunities, store discounts that are available to home school families and much more. All area homeschoolers are welcome.

NKY Homeschoolians This is a A secular homeschool support and activity group in Northern Kentucky for PreK – grade 6. They are not based on any religion or politics (or lack thereof) and we do not use any particular style of homeschooling. We use and are open to everything from unschooling to Montessori & Waldorf-style teaching to a standard curriculum.

Oldham Christian Home Educators This list has been created to announce activities, field trips and information for homeschoolers in Oldham County, Kentucky.

Parents of Louisa Educate This is a Christian based organization who agree that families home school their children for a variety of reasons. We agree that children need to be socialized and be able to have child appropriate and child centered activities available.

Pennyroyal Area Christian Home Educators of Kentucky
Serving homeschoolers in Christian, Trigg, and Todd counties since 1992, PACHEK is devoted to supporting area families exercising their God-given right and responsibility to educate their children. Each month they have a meeting, enrichment classes, activities, and fellowship.

Shelby County Home Educators of Kentucky This is a list for Christian Homeschoolers in the Shelby County, Kentucky and surrounding areas.

Spencer County Home Educators This Christian homeschool support group is intended to keep the lines of communication open for families who homeschool in Spencer County, Kentucky and surrounding areas.

St. Benedict’s Homeschool Association This is a group for Catholic Homeschooling families in Kentucky. The member families of the St. Benedict Homeschool Association share their commitment to providing the highest quality education for our children.

Teaching Homes In Northern Kentucky
Monthly support group meetings with occasional speakers, lending library, science fair, spelling and geography bees, used book sale, new homeschoolers orientation.

Three Rivers Homeschool Network This groups is for homeschoolers in western Kentucky, southern Illinois, and northwest Tennessee. Meeting announcements, field trip and activity opportunities, workshops and conferences, and homeschool related for-sale items will be welcome.

United Christian Home Schools This group is in the Owensboro area and provides mentoring for parents new to home schooling. Year-long activities for all ages, including Book-it, Youth Activities, Art and Talent Shows, Math Tutoring, Field Trips, Sports opportunities (Gym and Swim at the Y, Presidential Challenge, etc.), a yearly used Book Sale, a student newspaper, a Choir, and more!

Wellspring Homeschool Community
WHC is a community of homeschool families joining together to offer programs that enrich, instruct, and provide a social outlet for the homeschooled children of Madison County and surrounding areas.

~If you liked this you should also read my blogs at the home blog, the parents blog, and the frugal blog. You can read my recent posts here.

Also read:

* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?

Homeschooling Laws in Kentucky

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