Homeschooling in Colorado: Option 3
*Before I begin this article regarding homeschooling options for Colorado, I want to begin by stating that it is your responsibility to research the law for yourself. I am relaying the available and current information that is subject to change. I have provided many links that will enable you to view the current laws online and to help put you in touch with local area and organizational support groups. *
Compulsory School Age
The compulsory school age is between 7 and 16 years. Parents must also formally withdraw a six-year-old child if he or she has already attended public school. For more information regarding the Compulsory School Age visit here: Compulsory School Age Law
There are three options for homeschooling in Colorado. This article will focus on Option 3, but I will give a brief overview of all four options.
· Option 1- Establish and operate a home school. You must provide school at least 172 days each year and your school day must average at least four hours per day. Required teaching subjects include: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Math, History, Civics, Literature, and Science.
· Option 2- Enroll in a private school that allows home instruction
· Option 3- Use a Private Tutor
For detailed information regarding the Colorado Revised statutes visit here: However, the statutes basically state, that, “It is the primary right and obligation of the parent to choose the proper education and training for children under his care and supervision. It is recognized that home-based education is a legitimate alternative to classroom attendance for the instruction of children and that any regulation of non-public home-based educational programs should be sufficiently flexible to accommodate a variety of circumstances.
To homeschool in Colorado under Option 3 you will need to hire or use the services of a certified tutor. If the parent is a Colorado state certified teacher, there are no additional requirements to be met. You will be required to make sure that the subjects taught include: The Constitution of the United States, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Math, History, Civics, Literature, and Science.
For more resources and information check with these links:
Homeschool Legal Defense Analysis Colorado
Colorado Homeschool Support Groups
Homeschooling in Colorado: A-Z’s Home’s Cool
National Home Education Network: Colorado