This is not legal advice. As someone who lives in a state that is highly regulated, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to advocate for yourself and make a point to know your state laws. While the school district will most likely provide you with a printed copy of the laws and regulations for home schooling, a local home schooling group can be a valuable asset when it comes to navigating your way through the system.
What is interesting about blogging on laws in New Jersey is that legal precedents and statues have more to do with what happens IF you find yourself in legal trouble regarding your home schooling program. Parents have no letters of intents, no report cards or anything else to file with board of education. With that said, here is a summary of the most important points:
*The compulsory attendance law states that students must be educated either in public school, or receive an education equivalent to that which is given to students in public school or receive equivalent instruction elsewhere than at school. (This is the statute that allows for home schooling in New Jersey.
*If legal action is initiated the burden of proof is on the parents to provide evidence to the local superintendent that children are receiving an equivalent education.
*Then the burden of proof shifts to the superintendent to show that the instruction being given is not equivalent.
*Parents are not required by law to notify the school district, or the local superintendent of their intent to home school.
*In addition families in New Jersey have the right to access special services through the public schools if the special services occur on school premises and if the services are already being offered to private school students.
Compulsory Age: Ages 6 to 16
Required Days of Instruction: None stated
Required Subjects: No specific subjects stated other than the course of instruction has to be “equivalent” to that of public schools.
There are no teacher qualifications nor is standardized testing required.
Homeschooling Groups in New Jersey
Education Network of Christian Homeschoolers in New Jersey
New Jersey Homeschool Assocation
Catholic Homeschoolers of New Jersey