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Homeschooling Laws for Virginia–Option 4

This is not legal advice. As someone who lives in a state that is highly regulated, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to advocate for yourself and make a point to know your state laws. While the school district will most likely provide you with a printed copy of the laws and regulations for home schooling, a local home schooling group can be a valuable asset when it comes to navigating your way through the system.

I have been blogging on whole states together rather than blogging on each individual option in every state. However, the laws in Virginia, in my opinion, are too complicated to present clearly without confusion so I will link the 4 options together at the bottom of each article. I know this does not make it the easiest format for readers from Virginia but I do believe this is the best way to present the information as the requirements for teacher qualification, standardized testing and records that must be kept are different for each option. This blog will deal with Option 4 only.

Since private schools are not regulated under the board of education in Virginia, there exists a 4th option for home schooling for which there is not a statute but is still a legal option to consider. Sometimes, groups of homeschoolers will band together to form a co-op where several of the homes are campuses and the parents share the teaching. An administrator is usually hired to keep records, organize field trips etc. and these “private” schools usually incorporate.

The compulsory age of attendance in Virginia is 5 (on or before September 30) until the age of 18. However, if a parent feels a child is not emotionally, physically or academically ready to start kindergarten, they may delay putting a child in school until the age of 7.

Attendance: There is no noted attendance requirement, although it is generally accepted that children are required to attend 180 days per year, which is the same as public schools.

Subjects: There are no noted subjects that are required, although since children have to take a standardized test, it is generally assumed that similar subjects will be taught as are taught in public schools.

Teacher Qualifications: There are no noted teacher qualifications.

Notice: No notice is required since these co-ops are considered private schools.

Record Keeping: Although Virginia doesn’t require you to turn in specific records, it is always a good idea to keep good records of your homeschooling experience. These can come in handy if you ever have to enroll your child in school. You will also need good records for college entrance.

Testing: None

Related Articles:
Homeschooling Laws for Virginia: Option 1
Homeschooling Laws for Virginia: Option 2
Homeschooling Laws for Virginia: Option 3

Helpful Resources:
A to Z Homeschooling

State Support Groups
The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers
Home Educators Association of Virginia

This page also has a list of regional support groups. If you need information about co-ops, you can contact either the state groups or locate a regional group in your area.