Welcome to another edition of homeschooling resource of the day. I am changing the day the resource is posted. Instead of the day of the resource, I am posting it the day before. I am doing this so that you have a day to look up any information you may need for the next day. Resources for this day in history for example. As always, if you see something you want changed, you have something you would like added, or know of something that should be featured please feel free to leave me a comment.
Today’s website is MITOpenCourseware. MIT is offering a ton of courses online for free! This is a great resource not only for the children of homeschoolers, but for the parents as well! SOME of the courses include Aeronautics and Astronautics, Anthropology, Architecture, Foreign Languages, History, Linguistics and Philosophy, Literature, Mathematics, Media Arts and Sciences, Music and Theater Arts, Sciences. I can’t say enough good things about this resource.
Word of the day: torpid \TOR-pid\, adjective:
1. Having lost motion or the power of exertion and feeling; numb; benumbed.
2. Dormant; hibernating or estivating.
3. Dull; sluggish; apathetic.
This Day in History: Sept. 26th
1580 : Drake circumnavigates the globe
1687 : Parthenon destroyed in war between Turks & Venetians
1777 : British troops occupy Philadelphia during the American Revolution
1789 : Jefferson appointed 1st Sec of State; John Jay 1st chief justice; Samuel Osgood 1st Postmaster & Edmund J Randolph 1st Attorney Genl
1820 : The famous frontiersman Daniel Boone dies in Missouri
1890 : US stops minting $1 & $3 gold coin & 3# piece
1907 : New Zealand becomes a dominion
1914 : Federal Trade Commission formed to regulate interstate commerce
1945 : First American soldier killed in Vietnam
1960 : 1st of 4 TV debates Nixon & Kennedy took place (Chicago)
1984 : Britain & China initial agreement return Hong Kong to China in 1997
1988 : NYC’s Rockefeller Center declared a national landmark
1990 : Motion Picture Assn of America abolished X rating; creates new NC-17 rating
1991 : 2 year experimental Biosphere 2 in Oracle Arizona begins
Journal Prompt:
You have decided to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but it isn’t as easy as just walking to it. You have obstacles to over come, like funny fairies who won’t stop telling you jokes, toe tickling monsters, and dangerous dragons, not to mention those lively leprechauns. Write about your adventure.
Homeschooling Resource of the Day: 09/25/07
Homeschooling Resource of the Day: 09/24/07