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Homeschooling Resource of the Day: 10/01/07

Welcome to another edition of homeschooling resource of the day. As always, if you see something you want changed, you have something you would like added, or know of something that should be featured please feel free to leave me a comment.

Today’s website is National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. I used this site when I tutored college students in algebra. I also use it with Jonathan. It has grades K-12 manipulatives/puzzles in four categories; numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability. It’s a fun way to learn about and explore different areas of math.

Word of the day: errant \AIR-uhnt\, adjective:
1. Wandering; roving, especially in search of adventure.
2. Deviating from an appointed course; straying.
3. Straying from the proper standards (as of truth or propriety).
4. Moving aimlessly or irregularly; as, an errant breeze.

This Day in History Oct. 1st
331 : BC- Alexander the Great of Macedon defeats Persian army at Gaugamela
1800 : Spain cedes Louisiana to France in a secret treaty
1837 : Treaty with Winnebago Indians
1885 : Special delivery mail service begins in US
1886 : US mint at Carson City, Nevada closes
1890 : Yosemite National Park established
1908 : Henry Ford introduces the Model T car (costs $825)
1938 : Germany annexes Sudetenland (1/3 of Czechoslovakia)
1940 : Pennsylvania Turnpike, pioneer toll thruway, opens
1943 : Allied forces captured Naples during WW II
1948 : Calif Supreme Court voids state statute banning interracial marriages1951 : 1st treaty signed by woman ambassador-Eugenie Anderson
1951 : 24th Infantry Regiment, last all-black military unit, deactivated
1954 : British colony of Nigeria becomes a federation
1958 : Britain transfers Christmas Island (south of Java) to Australia
1958 : Inauguration of NASA; Vanguard Project transferred from military to NASA
1960 : Nigeria gains independence from Britain (National Day)
1962 : James Meredith became 1st black at U of Mississippi
1963 : Nigeria becomes a republic within the Commonwealth
1971 : Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida opens
1975 : Ellice Islands split from Gilbert Islands, take name “Tuvalu
1978 : Tuvalu (Ellice Islands) gains independence from Britain
1979 : US returns Canal Zone to Panama after 75 years (but not the canal)
1982 : EPCOT Center opens in Orlando Florida
1989 : Thousands of East Germans flee to West Germany

Journal Prompt:
If I could be doing anything right now I would be …

Past Homeschooling Resource of the day