Welcome to another edition of homeschooling resource of the day. As always, if you see something you want changed, you have something you would like added, or know of something that should be featured please feel free to leave me a comment. My apologies for missing a couple days there. My niece is finally getting to head back home, so it’s been a hectic couple of days. I will try my hardest not to let it happen again.
Today’s website is Learning Page.com. Learning Page is full of great add-ons, supplements, or whole units depending on what you are looking for. They have basic sheets for alphabet, money, senses, numbers and more. They have whole themes with fact sheets, fun sheets, murals, cutouts, lesson plans and more. They have 35 different books to download in two different versions. One version is for reading on your computer in sequential order, the other for printing it out and making your own copy. Membership is required for some areas, but membership is free. You can also join their mailing list to be informed when their new monthly sets are available. I am a member of their list and only get E-mails when the new set is ready, no extras in the middle of the month for advertising.
Word of the day: complaisant \kuhm-PLAY-suhnt; -zuhnt\, adjective:
Exhibiting a desire to please; obliging; compliant.
Today’s homeschooling book(s) of the day is: Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book of Homeschooling. John Holt was one of the best known supporters of homeschooling. “What is most important and valuable about the home as a base for children’s growth into the world is not that it is a better school than the schools but that it isn’t a school at all.” Children have a natural curiosity and love of learning. John Holt saw this and realized that home would be he best place to feed and cultivate these natural features in children.
This Day in History
Oct. 2nd
1535 : Jacques Cartier discovers Mount Royal
1608 : Hans Lippershey offers Dutch gov’t a new invention, the telescope; modern reflecting telescope completed by Jan Lippershey
1833 : NY Anti-Slavery Society organized
1835 : First shots of the Texas Revolution fired in the Battle of Gonzales
1919 : Pres Woodrow Wilson suffers a stroke
1935 : Italy invades Abyssinia (Ethiopia)
1936 : 1st alcohol power plant established, Atchison, Kansas
1942 : 1st self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction demonstrated, Chicago
1956 : 1st atomic power clock exhibited-NYC
1958 : Guinea gains independence from France (National Day)
1864 : Battle of Saltville
1967 : Thurgood Marshall is sworn as 1st black Supreme Court Justice
1980 : Michael Myers (D-Pa), is 1st rep expelled in over 100 years (ABSCAM)
Oct. 3rd
1430 : Jews are expelled from Eger Bohemia
1789 : Washington proclaims the 1st national Thanksgiving Day on Nov 26
1862 : Battle of Corinth, Miss
1863 : Lincoln designates last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day
1913 : Federal Income Tax signed into law (at 1%)
1918 : Boris becomes king of Bulgaria
1929 : Kingdom of Serbs, Croats & Slovenes changes name to Yugoslavia
1932 : Iraq wins independence
1945 : World Federation of Trade Unions formed; CIO a member
1949 : WERD, 1st black-owned radio station, opens in Atlanta
1950 : 1st black lead (Ethel Waters) on TV (Beulah)
1952 : Britain successfully tests A-bomb
1968 : Military coup overthrows Pres Fernando Belaunde Terry in Peru
1989 : Panamanian Defense Force attempted coup of Manuel Noriega fails
1990 : East and West Germany reunite after 45 years
Journal Prompt: Is there a holiday you wish we had that we could celebrate? Children’s Day (like Mother’s or Father’s Day), ice cream day, dessert first day? Write about this holiday and what would be involved.
Past Homeschooling Resource of the day
Note: At the time that this was written and published, the websites linked here are kid friendly. However, due to the changing nature of the web, we always recommend that the first time you visit a site, you check it out alone, without children present. This way, you are assured that the content is appropriate for your child.