Welcome to another edition of homeschooling resource of the day. As always, if you see something you want changed, you have something you would like added, or know of something that should be featured please feel free to leave me a comment.
Today’s website is Kidzone. A lot of resources and printables sorted by subject or grade level. There is also a link for lesson plans where you can search by grade, subject or author. If you are looking for something to fill in your plans or for more information including worksheets, click on a subject on the main page. If you are looking for whole units, click on lesson plans.
Word of the day: subfusc \sub-FUHSK\, adjective:
Dark or dull in color; drab, dusky
This Day in History Oct. 12th (If there is something listed that you can’t find information on, please leave a comment and I will be happy to help you find those.)
1492 : Columbus arrives in the Bahamas; the real Columbus Day
1822 : 2nd eruption of Galunggung (Java) destroys summit of mountain
1823 : Charles Macintosh of Scotland begins selling raincoats (Macs)
1860 : British & French troops capture Peking
1861 : Confederate ironclad Manassas attacks Union’s Richmond on Mississippi
1862 : Maj Gen Earl Van Dorn assumes command of Conf troops in Missisippi
1870 : Robert E. Lee dies
1891 : Astronomical Society of France is inaugurated
1915 : Theodore Roosevelt criticizes US citzens with dual nationalities
1918 : 1st use of iron lung (Boston’s Children Hospital)
1931 : 1st International Conference on Calendar Reform
1933 : Alcatraz becomes a federal prison (unofficially)
1941 : Russian govt moves from Moscow to Volga as Nazis close in on Moscow
1942 : US navy defeats Japanese in WW II Battle of Cape Esperance
1949 : Eugenie Anderson becomes 1st woman ambassador nominated in US
1960 : Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe at UN General Assembly session
1962 : US/USSR sign joint space effort in telecommunications & meteorology
1963 : Archaeological digs begin at Masada, Israel
1968 : Equatorial Guinea gains independence from Spain (National Day)
1973 : Nixon nominates Gerald Ford to replace Spiro Agnew as VP
1976 : Hua Guo-feng succeeds Mao Tse-tung as chairman of Communist Party
1977 : Psychic Romark attempts to drive blindfolded, smashed into cop van
1977 : US Supreme Court heard arguments in “reverse discrimination” case of Allan Bakke, white student denied admission to U of Calif Med School
1978 : Representatives of Israel & Egypt open talks in Washington
1988 : Israel & China sign trade deal, plan diplomatic relations
Journal Prompt:
You won’t believe this story, but it is true…
Past Homeschooling Resource of the day
Note: At the time that this was written and published, the websites linked here are kid friendly. However, due to the changing nature of the web, we always recommend that the first time you visit a site, you check it out alone, without children present. This way, you are assured that the content is appropriate for your child.