This past week at the homeschooling blog, we provided more homeschooling resources and discussed important topics like grade levels. We also discussed a very timely topic; ending the school year. Here is the week in review for April 28- May 4.
28 Apr 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Right Start-Runkle) by Andrea Hermitt
This blog gives a list of homeschooling resources such as Right start Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc., which teaches math basics using tool called the Al Abacus.
29 Apr 2007
Homeschooling Week in Review April 21- April 27, 2008 by Andrea Hermitt
This post discusses the previous week on the homeschooling blog, where we discussed more curriculums that you can use to homeschool your child, plus several important topics for homeschoolers.
30 Apr 2007
Ending the School Year: Our Review Process by Andrea Hermitt
Many homeschoolers at this time of year are finding that the entire homeschool curriculum for the year has been covered, and it is time to end the school year. This post discusses how we handle the end of the year.
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Saxon – Seton) by Andrea Hermitt
This post discusses curriculums like Saxon Publishers, which creates learning materials that teach math and reading skills. The Saxon Math is a leading math program in private schools and homeschools.
30 Apr 2007
What Grade Are You In by Tristi Pinkston
Talks about how she handles it when people ask her kids “What grade are you in?” and try to determine the age based on the grade. As a homeschooler, she feels this does not make sense.
01 May 2007
Ending the School Year: Or Not by Andrea Hermitt
Continues my discussion about the end of the school year and how I handle “summer school” (summer mode homeschooling) when I feel it is necessary.
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Shiller – Smith hand) by Andrea Hermitt
This post continues the curriculum project and discusses programs such as Shiller Math, which is a curriculum for ages 4 – 8 that relies heavily on manipulatives.
02 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (So You -Spell Well) by Andrea Hermitt
This is another entry to the homeschool curriculum glossary beginning with “So You Really Want to learn Latin” which is a series of books that allow the user to teach them Latin.
Things I Learned From Other Homeschoolers by Andrea Hermitt
As a way to share with other homeschoolers, to be read, and to help me find other homeschoolers, I participate in the Carnival of Homeschooling. This week’s Carnival is found here. I read many new and interesting homeschool blogs through this week’s carnival.
03 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Spencerian-Systematic) by Andrea Hermitt
This post is another entry to the homeschool curriculum glossary, which begins with Spencerian Penmanship (also called Spencerian Script Penmanship). This program teaches a fluid graceful form of script handwriting.
Spiral Learning, a superior approach? by Andrea Hermitt
This post discusses spiral learning a new term called Spiral Learning I ran into while researching homeschool curriculums.
04 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Tapestry- The Math) by Andrea Hermitt
This post continues the homeschool curriculum glossary project beginning with Tapestry of Grace, a curriculum that teaches world history. Tapestry of Grace has two approaches, the first being “historical flow and themes”, and the second being the “facts of history”.
Reasons I am Glad We Homeschool: A Child’s Most Basic Needs by Andrea Hermitt
Discusses recent news regarding children not being allowed access to restrooms to tend to their most basic needs.
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!