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Homeschooling Week in Review January 22- January 28, 2007

It has been a busy house here are the homeschool blog at families.com. Here is what we have been up to:

Monday January 22, 2007

We started the week talking about homeschooling for others and hiring homeschoolers with I Want to Homeschool Your Child, I Want You to Homeschool My Child, and Homeschool Tutors must Manage Expectations, by yours truly (Andrea Hermitt).

Karen Edmisten wrote Read-alouds: The best and biggest benefit, which speaks to the benefits of reading aloud to children. This article was part of a series on read-alouds started the previous week.

Learning with Food Network by Karen Edmisten continued a conversation started the previous week on homeschooling and television.

Tuesday January 23, 2007

In the article, Giving Your Homeschooled Child the Reins, I discussed entrusting your child with difficult tasks like planning family vacations.

Having the world as your classroom is a wonderful thing. On the other hand, When the World is Your Classroom, It Can Wear You Out was the topic of the day on Tuesday. I talked about how participating in lots of activities can poop a mom out, especially when she is prone to the winter blahs

Karen, who has several children born years apart, has lots of advice for homeschooling parents in the same shoes with her article, Teaching various ages: the challenge.

Wednesday January 24, 2007

Ever wondered what homeschoolers do when a child is sick? Read Sick Days… What Sick Days? In this article I discussed how we handled a day when my daughter was not feeling 100% while still homeschooling.

In Dealing with Stereotypes about Homeschoolers, I gave tips for handling mean and stereotypical comments made about homeschoolers.

Blogging: An unconventional writing curriculum, by Karen Edmisten is a brilliant use of modern technology in homeschooling.

Thursday January 25, 2007

On Thursday, I presented a new vocabulary word: Mantra and discussed how phrases we repeat to our children affect their lives.

In Getting Started as a Homeschool Tutor, I continued the conversation on homeschooling someone else’s child, only this article is written for teachers and tutors.

Valorie Delp wrote an insightful article on homeschooling the gifted child with Homeschooling My Gifted Son: The Basics.

Karen wrote about one of the challenges many homeschooling moms face… Homeschooling while pregnant. This article was of course, followed by Homeschooling with a newborn.
If you have a child in middle and high school, you will want to read my articles on College Classes and the Homeschooler. On Thursday, I wrote about auditing classes, and advanced placement classes.

Friday January 26, 2007

On Friday, we heard from Julie Gentry, with her article on a great field trip she took that is available for homeschoolers and students: Amtrak Schools on Trains Program Open to Homeschoolers.

I added another article on College Courses and the Homeschooler: Dual Enrollment. This article tells how homeschool students can finish high school and start college at the same time.

In A little Bit of Charlotte Mason, I discussed the Charlotte Mason approach to homeschooling and how my family uses it in our homeschooling endeavor. Several other homeschoolers commented that they use it as well and offered useful websites as resources.

Saturday January 27, 2008

I started a spirited discussion spurred by the question, Homeschooling or Housekeeping? Read it and give your opinion in the comment section too.

Sunday January 28, 2008

I shared a great free homeschooling resource website in Website for Homeschoolers: Science News for Kids

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*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start here!