This past week on the homeschooling blog, I finished up the extensive homeschool curriculum glossary and added an index to guide users in their search. I managed to insert an article concerning a the issue of public schools offering homeschoolers special services. Here is the homeschooling week in review for May 4, 2007- May 11, 2007.
07 May 2007
Homeschooling Week in Review April 28, 2007- May 4, 2007 by Andrea Hermitt
This post discusses the previous week on the homeschooling blog where we provided homeschooling resources and discussed important topics like grade levels. We also discussed a very timely topic; ending the school year.
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (The Young- Truthquest) by Andrea Hermitt
This post presents more homeschool curriculum like The Young Scientists Club which is a website with materials for science experiments and materials.
08 May 2007
Public School’s Offer to Help with Your Learning Disabled Child by Andrea Hermitt
This blog discusses a topic that comes up each year when parents receive letters that offer in school services to learning-disabled home schooled children.
08 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (U.S. History -Usborne) by Andrea Hermitt
Discusses more homeschool curriculum like U.S History through Children’s Literature which is a unit study approach to history.
09 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Vertias Press-Vocabulary) by Andrea Hermitt
This post presents more homeschool curriculum starting with Veritas Press a curriculum provider that distributes materials geared toward a Classical Christian curriculum.
09 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Wallbuilders-Wordly) by Andrea Hermitt
This blog discusses more homeschool curriculum like WallBuilders which focuses on America’s forgotten history and heroes, and emphasizes the “moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.
10 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary (Wordsmith-Zoombinis) by Andrea Hermitt
This blog is the final installment of the homeschool curriculum glossary and mentions programs like which is a website that provides several services beneficial to homeschoolers and others.
10 May 2007
Homeschool Curriculum Glossary Index by Andrea Hermitt
After spending the better portion of two months making a homeschool curriculum glossary, I thought an index page was in order.
11 May 2007
My Top 5 Math Curriculum Picks by Andrea Hermitt
This blog post presents my top 5 math curriculum picks, and one honorable mention.
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
*Want to know more about homeschooling? Start with the 2006 homeschool blog in review!
* Have you seen the homeschoooling curriculum glossary?