After watching my two oldest girls struggle with public school due to boredom and friction with “the cool kids,” I decided to home school my three youngest. It was an easy decision, but creating my own curriculum was often confusing. I didn’t want to use the traditional Christian home school programs such as Alpha Omega, Abeka and others. Aside from the fact that they’re quite costly and need to be purchased for each grade, I found them to be more stringent than what I was looking for.
While doing some research on homeschooling programs, I came upon the Charlotte Mason Method. It seemed very free-spirited, at least to me, yet at the same time the kids would be getting a solid education. Far more than what they were receiving in the public school system.
Who Was Charlotte Mason?
Charlotte Mason was an educator in the 1800s, who believed that children learn best through the use of living books, art, music and nature. She has inspired many parents to homeschool their children; myself included. If it hadn’t been for her books and the guidance within, I probably would have thrown in the towel and bought a costly prepackaged curriculum for my girls.
What Are Living Books?
“Living books” aren’t like dull textbooks. Instead, a living book is one in which the reader feels she’s immersed in the story, living out the scenes the author has written about. These books spark creativity and keep children so interested that they aren’t even aware they’re learning.
There are websites devoted to the Charlotte Mason way of teaching and they offer hundreds of these types of living books for sale. They can even be checked out from your local library. There are many subjects to choose from, so no matter how many children you’re homeschooling or how varied their tastes, you’re sure to find something they will enjoy. These books cover everything from fine arts and science, to spelling.
Interesting Approach For Kids And Parents
As parents, we should have the right to homeschool our children in the way see fit, provided they’re actually getting a good education. With the Charlotte Mason Method I had fun right along side my girls. Best of all, it works for all ages. I used her approach from preschool and all through their teens. It doesn’t get boring!
Think back to when you were in school, especially high school. Those long, boring lectures with the teacher droning on and the hundred-pound textbooks. You won’t find that with Ms. Mason’s program. She believed that children needed a well-rounded education with an emphasis on music, art and literature.
Of course, in this day and age the public sees little use for these fine arts and old classics. Instead, our kids are forced to start taking algebra before they’re ready and high-tech fields are stuffed down their throats, while they’re completely clueless about how to create a budget, balance a checkbook, or cook a meal.
Yes, math and technology have their place, but there’s a lot to be said for gentle learning. My girls have become passionate learners, hard workers, and responsible young ladies. Contrary to what most people think about homeschooled kids, my girls are outgoing and quite social. Their friends are always amazed at their level of intelligence, their manners and self-respect. My girls always say they owe it to being homeschooled.
If you’d like to find out more about the Charlotte Mason Method I’ve offered some resources below. You can compare her program with others available and choose what you feel is right for your homeschooling.