I don’t remember homework being a major challenge when I was in school. I went to a typical public high school (after having gone all the way through the public school system in one town) and while I remember having homework–it wasn’t insurmountable. I’m of the opinion that times have changed–my eldest daughter goes to a local high school and is in the International High School program. She has more homework on a daily basis than I had even in my fullest terms of college (and one term I actually held down 29 credits!)
Since my kids were in elementary school, I’ve had a heavy suspicion that the homework load was more than I was ever asked to manage. Now, my daughter spends hours every night and both days of the weekend trying to do all the work that has been sent home. Granted, she’s taking a fairly rigorous course load, but things still seem out of whack. She’s unable to participate in typical activities and do some of the extra curricular things that I was able to do in high school (including a part-time job) because of the amount of homework she has. Often, she has to use two book bags to carry her work back and forth from school!
With the focus on testing and benchmarks, there certainly doesn’t seem to be time for fully exploring many subjects, or field trips, or anything other than papers and books. I see the stress this increased homework expectation is causing for all these kids–and their families. Unlike my own parents, I too am held responsible and telephoned and e-mailed concerning my kids’ homework. My parents would have been horrified to have to sign a pledge saying they would help me with my homework every night! (These pledges were common forms when my kids were in elementary and middle school.)
I get that times have changed and with “No Child Left Behind” there are more rigorous expectations in regards to testing and benchmarks, but I think there’s much too much homework for kids! How about you? Do you have an opinion about your kids’ homework expectations?