Have you ever heard of an outgrown swap? I host one once or twice a year and it has provided me with tons of items to clothe the kids.
I got the idea to host a outgrown swap from a church sale. Every year, one of the local churches hosts a sale for the community. People come from all over to buy low cost baby and kid clothing. While it is a great success, I thought their might be an easier way to find some great baby and kid clothes without spending a lot of money.
The first thing I did was run the idea of an outgrown swap past my local moms club. Everyone seemed really interested, so I set a date. I asked the moms to start saving any outgrown items. This included clothes, shoes, toys, children’s books, bedding and equipment. After the first year, we added formula and baby food, videos, decorative baby items and maternity clothing.
I ask that the moms get me their items before the swap so there is time to set everything up. This allows me to organize clothing by size. It also gives everyone an equally fair chance to “shop,” since everything will be out and available.
On the day of the swap, I make an easy snack, usually something such as lemonade and cookies. Swappers can come by anytime during an “open house,” which I usually hold from 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. This gives the moms a chance to fit the swap in amongst all of the other “mom” things they have to do. I always hold my swap on the weekdays, but you could pick a weekend instead. Swappers can stay to pick out clothes, let their kids play and just hang out as long as they like during the open house.
Swappers are on the honor system to not hog too many clothes, and so far we have never had an issue with unfair swappers. Everyone has been completely generous and happy that their outgrown items will be put to good use.
Some items have been through multiple swaps, as items are traded, used, and then returned to swap again.
Any items that are not claimed are brought to a pregnancy crisis center or a church thrift store. One enterprising mom has offered to auction remaining items on ebay as a fundraiser for the club, after our next swap.
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