We all have frustrations in our marriage. Mine is that my husband can promptly fall asleep in the middle of an argument. Sometimes it’s not even an argument, but still, he knows I’m upset about something, and yet he can roll over and sleep. Does this ever happen to you?
Why is it that at the exact moment when my husband needs to speak, to participate in whatever discussion we’re having, he suddenly becomes so wrought with exhaustion that it is beyond his capabilities to keep his eyes open? This is especially frustrating considering the fact that, should a replay of a sports game be aired on television, my husband will undoubtedly be able to muster up the “strength” to stay awake for that.
So what’s a girl to do?
Rant and rave? Been there, done that. It does no good.
Cry and pout? Again—no good. Besides, it’ll give you puffy eyes in the morning. Not chic.
Insist on Discussion? A dangerous choice, to say the least. Say you get him to sit up and pretend to be coherent. He’s going to be grumpy and you’ll likely get nowhere.
Although it’s difficult, I’ve learned from years of trial and error, that it’s best to table the discussion and go to sleep. Get a good night’s rest yourself and then approach him again in the morning. Chances are, he’ll respond much better and more openly than he would if you insisted he communicate with you late at night.
Find a time that works with both of your schedules. Approach him openly and honestly, without blame, and tell him what you need. Hopefully, with a little work from both sides and with a few modifications, you’ll be happy with one another again in no time.
Besides, by waiting to discuss things until morning, you can ensure that you husband will pay more attention. After all, it’s a little difficult to roll over and start snoring at the breakfast table.