Is it possible to know God’s will? Do you want to know God’s will for your life? If so how could you go about it? Let me share my experience.
Back in 1991 my husband and I were considering whether to sell our home in Sydney and move to Orange, a rural area of New South Wales, where his job was being relocated. During this time, I was working my way through Discovering God’s Will by Warren and Ruth Myers.
The book stated that in major decisions and by following principles in God’s Word, specifically Romans 12:1-2, we can determine God’s will for us. The authors gave eleven principles for finding God’s will. The first was being willing to do God’s will whatever it may be. Yes, I decided, I could do that. The second principle was whether God’s Word had been a factor in making the decision. Yes, God had given us specific promises that spoke to us about the situation. Third, had it been prayed about? Yes, greatly because this planned move meant splitting our family up and leaving our twenty year old son in Sydney. Sure he could cope. I had no doubt of that. But still I did not find it easy thinking of him being so far away in Sydney while we were in Orange.
The book also suggested making a list of God given gifts and abilities and to determine how the Lord might want me to use them for his purposes. What actions might I need to take to use them in a way that would fulfill God’s plans and purposes?
At the time I wrote down four things under gifts and abilities. They were:
- Writing
- Singing
- Relating to people
- Leading study groups
I wondered how these could be used for God and whether they could be used more effectively in our new location and a new church.
In my next blog I’ll start to explain how God worked and led me into His Will, how God challenged me and then gave me opportunities to use these gifts and abilities He had given me.
But you want to know how to find God’s will for your life, so why don’t you take time now to consider:
Are you prepared to do God’s will no matter what?
Have you consulted God’s Word regarding the decision you are contemplating?
Have you prayed about it?
Now make a list of your gifts and abilities.
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