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How Can You Tell if You Are Really a Christian?

How can you tell if you have really come to know Jesus and entered into a relationship with Him? In our home bible study group we recently started studying the John’s letters and 1 John 2 gives some answers to this question.

I John 2:3 says we ‘know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commands.’ Obeying rules and regulations are not our entry ticket to heaven. That comes only through knowing Jesus. But, when we do know Jesus and have come into a relationship with Him, then we will want to please Him by keeping His commands. So keeping His commands is the result or the proof, if you like, of knowing Jesus.

John goes on to say that Christians need to walk ‘in the same manner as He walked’ verse 6. Jesus’ life was one of self sacrifice, service, love and compassion. That is what ours needs to be. Is your life and mine, one of self sacrifice, service, love and compassion? If it is not, what things might you and I have to change to be more obedient and follow Jesus more closely?

John also says that ‘the one who loves his brother (that is, fellow Christians) abides in the light’ verse 10, whereas the ‘one who hates his brother is in the darkness’ verse 11. I’m sure we all know some Christians that are abrasive and rub us up the wrong way and that we find hard to love. If we encounter this difficulty we need to ask God to help us love them as He does. Pray for them on a regular basis and try and find ways you can connect with them.

Jesus commands his disciples to ‘love one another, even as I have loved you,’ John 13:34. In this way others will know that we are his disciples when they see that love, John 13:35. Note it is a command to love one another, not an optional extra. In what ways to you and I need to change to be more loving to other Christians?

Bible verses from The New American Standard Version

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