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How Chair Yoga Can Benefit Seniors

I took one of the Chair Yoga classes at my gym recently in case they ever needed a sub and also to see what it was all about. The class was all seniors or almost seniors. Sitting in chairs arranged in a huge circle, I noticed that some people left socks, or even shoes on. The environment was welcoming and relaxed. Camaraderie was shared by everyone in the class. This friendly community environment was the first benefit to seniors practicing yoga that I noticed. Everyone in the room looked forward to the class for social as well as physical reasons.

Another benefit to Chair Yoga is that it maintains a senior’s range of motion. Many of the exercises involve simple arm lifts and spinal twists which will keep them safer during other activities. Being able to get into cabinets or to back out of a parking spot are activities which many of us don’t think twice about. For some seniors, injuries or illnesses have made day-to-day life a challenge. Maintaining flexibility can protect them from future injuries.

Breathing and relaxing can benefit everyone, but seniors need to let go of some stress more than many of us may know. I try to project how I will feel after going through my body’s deterioration or that of my friends and family. These tragedies alone can lead to depression. Being able to breathe and unwind with their friends and peers can create a soothing bond for seniors. Relearning how to breathe can also improve focus and circulation.

The seniors in your life may enjoy an outlet like this. Certainly, they can try the other yoga classes as well, but Chair Yoga can be a wonderful way to get them moving and social on a more gentle scale. Encourage them to give it a try. If your gym doesn’t offer Chair or Senior Yoga, then see if other people are interested. Most gyms will listen to their members if enough speak up.

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