How clean is clean enough? I really struggle with that, there never seems to be enough time. My mom was just here visiting for a week and before she came I felt like I had to scrub the house from top to bottom. My Mom had not seen my new house and I wanted everything to look perfect. My house is never really dirty, it’s just messy and a little disorganized.
When I started to clean though I found tons of stuff that I had let go. After I get home from work there just seems like so much to do and so little time. The problem with that is I’m a perfectionist. I think I’ll just straighten up the family room and then I notice that everything is dusty, so I have to dust. Then I notice the glass in the picture frames, and the fingerprints on the wall, and before you know it I’ve spend two hours “straightening up” the family room. While I’m spending all this time in the family room the dishes didn’t get washed and there is still laundry to do. If I start in the kitchen it’s even worse, seems like no matter where I start there is one more thing to scrub, and then I look out the kitchen window and see how bad the yard looks. Putting the laundry away and I wind up straightening drawers and cleaning closets, and the vacuuming still isn’t done. It seems like I can only focus on one thing at a time and everything else just kind of falls to the side.
I love a clean house, I just don’t have the time to keep it as nice as I would like. I wanted everything to be perfect when my mother was here, but there were carpets to clean and windows to wash and it just didn’t all get done. She didn’t care, but I did. How can do you stay on top of everything? What is clean enough to you? I know that no one comes in my home looking for an immaculate showroom but I always feel bad when everything isn’t as clean as it should be. If I could just get a few more hours in the day I might be able to get caught up!