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How Do Home-Based Professionals Take Vacations?

With summer fast approaching, the topic of vacation is probably at the top of many home-based professionals’ minds. People that work outside of the home often accumulate paid vacation time, and making their vacation plans happen each summer is usually just a matter of letting their employers know when they plan to take time off. Home – based professionals enjoy a great deal of freedom and flexibility in their day-to-day lives, but when it comes to taking vacations there can be quite a bit of effort involved.

Since home-based professionals are not paid for the time that they are on vacation, they must make plans to do extra work at other times in order to be able to afford to take time off for a vacation and pay for the trip itself. It is doable, it just takes some planning. Depending upon what you do for work, you may decide that a week-long trip is possible this summer. Alternatively, it may be easier (both economically and logistically) to take multiple shorter vacations. Sometimes, people get locked into the idea that a vacation has to be a certain amount of time in order to be “worth it”. I would suggest that you do not let yourself fall into that trap. Anyone who has spent a long weekend camping or at the beach can tell you that even three or four days away can work wonders.

Also, if the work that you do is something that you can do anywhere, consider taking some work with you on vacation. If you do it correctly, working a little bit during vacation can help you keep the money coming in and reduce your anxiety about having a huge pile of work waiting for you when you return home. The keys to success with this are setting realistic expectations about what you will be able to accomplish and setting a vacation work schedule and sticking to it – do not let yourself work or answer work related calls or emails outside of your designated working hours. Make sure that you take only a little work with you, and make sure that your working hours are times that you will not want to be doing other things. If you are able to stick to your plan, you will have a great vacation with your family and they will not feel as though you have abandoned them to do your work.

What are your vacation plans for this summer? I will be going to Cape Cod for a week in the middle of August, and I am very excited about it. My family goes every year and it is a real treat.

Photo by gbok on morguefile.com.