Happy Valentine’s Day!!
That’s right today is the big day. Many people have anticipated this day for several weeks now. Others have greatly dreaded it. And some feel very indifferent about it. Some cannot wait until it passes while others simply ignore it altogether.
Many conversations, commercials, and businesses have lately been directed toward Valentine’s Day.
Yesterday, I overheard a few ladies talking about how they do not celebrate Valentine’s Day. They commented on how they feel that the holiday is silly and it is a waste to spend the money on roses and candy and balloons.
The ladies I am referring to are married women.
After hearing them talk I began to wonder if they really do not like Valentine’s Day and if the words that they were speaking were the truth. Would they really not be touched by receiving a dozen roses or a box of candy from their husbands?
In some cases, I think that women try to convince themselves of a lie. They are saying the words more for their own benefit rather than for everyone else’s benefit.
Are they just commenting on how they do not celebrate Valentine’s Day because they know that they will not be receiving anything? Are they trying to make themselves believe that they do not care so they will not be as upset when the day passes with nothing?
I also began to wonder how many couples that there are out there today who will pass the day over without a special thought. How many couples will not celebrate their love and relationship today? How many women out there will give their man a gift yet receive nothing in return? How many men will rush out to get their wives a gift only after their wives give them one?
Valentine’s Day is for Couples