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How Do You Give?

Suppose someone comes to the door collecting for a specific charity how do you respond? Do you scrabble around guiltily for a small amount of small change, just to get rid of them? Do you give money to their cause and then deduct it from what you would normally give to another charity or organization? Do you tell them no because it is not part of your planned giving? Or do you alternate between all the above and then manage to feel guilty and in the wrong no matter which option you choose?

In our household we make it a policy not to buy or give to anyone who comes to the door, phones or sends soliciting letters after having acquired our details from the electoral roll or phone book. This does not necessarily mean we may not feel led to support the particular organization being represented, but we will not do it without thought and prayer. What it does mean is that we will not be pressured into buying anything or giving money just because someone is standing on our front door step. Two sites you might find helpful when assessing who to direct your giving towards are

Charity Navigator – America’s largest charity evaluator
Philanthropy Australia>> Getting Involved>> Giving to Charity

though our giving is planned,it does not mean that it allows no room for spontaneity or change. Sometimes we hear of a need, a charity or a person who requires help. It will be an extra on top of our normal giving. But it will not be because that person is standing on our doorstep asking for a donation. It will be because the Holy Spirit has laid it on our hearts.

Too often, it seems, people want recognition for what they have done, e.g. their name acknowledged over a telethon for their donation or even by wearing a badge proclaiming they have donated money to a particular charity. They have their reward. They want to be seen to be giving and recognized for their charitable works, Matthew 6:1-2. This is not what Jesus teaches.

Almost four months ago Nicole Miller, a young woman in our local area was hit by a rock thrown through the back window of the car in which she was traveling. As a result she nearly lost her life. She had to have part of her skull removed and a metal plate inserted.

The local community responded by calling for donations to help Nicole. As part of that they organized the building of a house for her and her boyfriend. People responded by donating time, skills, materials, money and prayers towards trying to help this young woman.

This week she finally came out of hospital. She still has a long way to go towards recovery but she is getting better. Meanwhile the house the community planned looks like being finished by Christmas. Many people have donated time and money and equipment. Some made sure their names and photographs appeared in the newspaper and they received recognition for their generosity. Others have done their giving quietly without recognition. Only God knows how they helped.

Which sort of giver do you want to be? One recognized by others for your good works and giving, or will it be enough to be recognized by God and hear the words, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’ Matthew 25:21.

Bible verses taken from The New International Version

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