Just what are the perfect measurements in your eyes? Do you see being reed thin like Twiggy as having the ideal figure? Or do you more set your goals to that of a curvaceous Marilyn-like body image? What do you feel is attractive and appealing? What do you feel better or healthier as? The fact is there are no perfect measurements.
Each and every one of us is different in personality and body. There are no two of us alike. A weight that looks attractive on one of us does not always look the best on the rest of us. Depending on height, bone structure, and/or body type the weight and/or measurements that are best suited to each one of us can vary widely.
Marilyn Monroe was deemed as one of the, if not the, most attractive women in her time. Her body was curvaceous and voluptuous. There was no sight of bones visible. There was maybe even a slight hint of pudginess to her body. Men and women adored her. On the other hand, when Twiggy became popular women sought after her stick-like figure. I do not know for sure, but I am willing to bet that most men did not find this look attractive.
Back in the day, 36-24-36 was very popular as far as body measurements go. We then went through a period of change with these figures. I believe that now the curvier look is making a comeback. It might not be happening in a shout-it-on-the-rooftops kind of way, but a little more subdued and subtle.
We are what we are. We have only so much to work with. Quite a bit of our basic structure will come from our inherited genes. We can shape ourselves up and lose weight, but sometimes those thighs that we hate can only be shaped up so much. The rest is passed down to us like an unwelcome gift from dear, old mom.
Aim for your desired target weight, exercise and concentrate on the spots that you would most like to improve on, eat healthy and get enough sleep. If you feel good then you probably look good. We are not all meant to be Twiggys or Marilyns, but with the above healthful steps we can measure up to the best of our abilities and just be happy that we are healthy enough to enjoy our life.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health.