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How do you search the Coupon Database?

The Coupon Database search box has many different features to help you define your search. Following, are some of the features of the search box and how to use them.

Expires: This feature is very helpful in many ways. To maximize your search, choose one of the following options below and do not enter anything else. Click on ‘Search’ and the database will give you a random search of various coupons. Do not hit enter or the search will not work.

Not Expired: Choose this option it will search for any coupons which have not expired.

Expired: If you are one of the few people who are lucky enough to use expired coupons, you can choose the option ‘Expired’ to search specifically for expired coupons.

Don’t Care: This option will define search for any coupons, which are either expired or not expired.

This Month: By choosing this feature you can search for any coupon that expires at the end of the month. This is a great way to find out if there are any ‘good coupons’ that expire at the end of the month, so you can be sure to use them.

Search for: In this box, type the product for which you are looking. If you are looking for any Sara Lee products, then just type in ‘Sara Lee’ and it will show you all the coupons for any Sara Lee products. If you wanted to be a little more specific, type something like, ‘Sara Lee bread’ and it will show the results for Sara Lee bread.

Category: You can use this feature with or without entering anything in the search box. If you would like to find out what kind of winetags are out, select ‘winetags’ and click ‘Search’. If you would like to see what kind of rebates are out, select ‘rebate’ and it will give you a list of all the rebates.

Partial/Whole Word: This option will help you define your search. ‘Whole Word’ search will search the database for the entire word (s) you have entered. If you are not getting enough results or not finding what you are looking for, select ‘Partial Word’ and it will search the database for any words you have entered.

Exact Amount off: If you are looking for a specific amount off coupon, choose this option and it will only show you coupons for the amount you have selected.

I suggest playing around with the database and search for various coupons. It may take some time to get used to it, but it can be a great asset once you learn.

This entry was posted in Coupons by Jody Connolly (Benjaminna). Bookmark the permalink.

About Jody Connolly (Benjaminna)

I am a married SAHM of five (and one cat)! My oldest daughter is 12, a diva ready to take over the world. My 10-year-old son, my informer, loves to make sure everyone is doing what he or she is supposed to (although he is no angel). I have an 8 year old daughter, who is just one of a kind. My 2 1/2 year old daughter, her own little personality is shinning through, and so are her terrible twos. And last but not least, my 1-year-old son, who is just the happiest and most content baby in the world. Things I love to do: coupons, rebates, read, color with sidewalk chalk, blow bubbles