As an American, I can understand why there is so much controversy over the healthcare reform that is going on. I don’t necessarily agree with everyone’s viewpoint about it, but I understand where their views are coming from. People in Germany, however, are baffled about some of the reactions that American’s are having about the individual mandate.
It is obvious what Americans think about the Affordable Care Act, “Obamacare”, or specific portions of the current healthcare reform. Just open a newspaper or check out a news website, and you can find plenty of articles that either applaud or vilify it.
Outside of the United States, there are several countries that have universal healthcare coverage, and that have had it for quite some time. People in Germany are perplexed about why Americans are having such aversion to the ideas put forth in the Affordable Care Act.
A nationwide form of healthcare was introduced in Germany in the nineteenth century by Otto von Bismarck. It is seen as a solidarity principle, and is supported by German conservatives and pro-business politicians. Germans are confused by why some American’s continue to portray President Obama’s health reform, and the people who back it, as socialists or communists.
It is worth noting that there are pro-market politicians in Germany. These politicians are not interested in dismantling Germany’s health insurance system. This is a strong contrast to the Republican politicians in the United States who are very interested in trying to repeal the entire Affordable Care Act.
Germans, and many other Europeans, see the United States as a religious country. They note that God seems to be frequently brought up in debates, especially ones that have to do with the current presidential campaign.
People in Germany cannot understand how people who are apparently deeply religious could be so unwilling to be a part of a healthcare community. They see health insurance coverage as something that is humane, and don’t understand why some Americans are actively trying to prevent poor people from having health insurance coverage. That would be inhumane.
In other words, all the arguments, complaints, and lawsuits about healthcare reform in the United States have been noticed by people who live outside of America. To them, we seem to appear somewhat crazy, and as though we don’t care about the well being of our fellow Americans. This is especially noticeable when Americans bring up religion and use it as a reason to deny other American’s access to health care.
Image by Gabriel on Flickr