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How Green Are You?

We hear a lot in the media about what we should and should be doing in our homes. Governments are trying to get people to do the right thing. They are always trying to encourage recycling and composting. The Australian government has offered rebates for getting insulation, or solar hot water, or solar panels – all ideas aimed at helping the environment.
So here are some questions for you.

1. How often do you take reusable bags instead of getting plastic bags at the supermarket or for other shopping? We try and do this, so we also keep reusable bags in the car. I admit though sometimes they never make it out of the car.

2. Do you recycle all your paper, cans, and glass products? Most of the time I try to be careful about this one.

3. Do your compost all vegetable peeling with the exception of onions and potatoes, egg shells and grass clippings. This is one we’ve been doing for years. It works well.

4. Do you have energy efficient light gloves throughout the house? We had these installed but I drew the line at the bathroom which is where I put on my makeup. Quite simply, energy efficient globes aren’t strong enough to see what I’m doing at the makeup mirror.

5. Have you installed a solar hot water service? I love the idea of free hot water.

6. Have you installed solar panels? Those I know who have done this are very happy with the savings and, in some cases, profits on electricity.

7. Do you have a rain water tank instead of having to turn on taps and hoses for plants. A friend waters all her gardens from the rain water tank. Rain water is better for plants too.

8. Do you recycle old printer carriages or get them re-filled?

9. Do you try and cut down on waste by not buying pre-packaged goods. Fresh food is best for you anyway.

10. Dip you use recycled paper in toilet tissues etc. This is one I refuse to do.

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