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How Many Bathrooms Do You Have in Your Home?

How many bathrooms are there in your home? Do you have 1, 2, 2 ½ baths, 3, or more? Are there enough or do you still have issues over getting in the bathroom or someone spending too much time in there?

This question was inspired by my oldest getting ready for the prom yesterday. We have six people in our family, Mom, Dad, and four daughters, and we have two full bathrooms. Yesterday, my husband wasn’t even at home, so five people, two bathrooms, for all intents and purposes. Still, there was stress over getting in there to use either room for what it was intended.

My daughter showered in the master bathroom, so she then had to go to the other to do her hair so the steam wouldn’t mess it up. She staked out my master bath for putting on make up because “it has better lighting.” She ran from one to the other, and you never knew which one she would be in at any given time. The rest of us were back and forth, through the house, trying to find an empty one throughout the afternoon when we needed to use the bathroom. I finally had enough and told her to pick one and stick with it.

Similar situations occur on school picture day, holidays, and various other events. I’m just thankful that yesterday only required one daughter getting ready. It’s really fun when more than one is getting beautiful at the same time! Another mother teased me about trading my girls in for boys. “All boys have to do is shower, get dressed, and go.”

Well, I wouldn’t trade my girls in, but I might send one or two of them over to her house to borrow a bathroom for a couple of hours!

Do you have similar issues?

More on Bathrooms